Author Archive

Exciting Opportunity at Kilkeel Harbour

Posted on: April 15th, 2022 by Margaret

Sustainable Development of ‘The Boathouse’ at Kilkeel Harbour

Posted on: September 21st, 2021 by Margaret

SEA FLAG are delighted to assist Anglo-North Irish Fish Producers Organisation (ANIFPO) in the revitalisation of an existing, historic building located at Kilkeel Harbour, known locally as ‘the boathouse’.

Under Union Priority 4 of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, the Fisheries Local Action Group approved funding to carryout renovations to the boathouse to provide a multi-use facility for the use of ANIFPO/Sea Source, Kilkeel Harbour Works, fisheries businesses and the local community.

New Business for Kilkeel

Posted on: September 21st, 2021 by Margaret

New business, Quay Dog will develop natural fish-based dried dog food which involves using raw by-products, in particular, fish skins, sourced locally in Kilkeel.

The project involves the processing of low valued fish produce into a higher value product, providing additional income and economic growth within the fishing industry and locality.

FUNDING AVAILABLE until 8 October 2021

Posted on: September 10th, 2021 by Margaret

Projects must be completed by December 2022.  

Applications will address one or more of the following themes:

🐟 Adding value to fishery and aquaculture products

🐟 Support for diversification of fisheries and aquaculture sectors

🐟 Promoting innovation in fisheries and aquaculture

🐟 Lifelong learning, attracting young people into fisheries, aquaculture, and marine related careers and activities

🐟 Creating jobs and stimulating economic growth in fishing, aquaculture and marine based industries

🐟 Promoting social well-being and cultural heritage in fisheries, aquaculture and maritime areas

🐟 Developing and enhancing environmental assets of the fisheries areas

🐟 Strengthening the role and governance of fisheries communities in local development.

Projects should be based within Ardglass, Kilkeel, Portavogie or surrounding areas and demonstrate

how the proposed project will impact on the fishing dependent communities.

Applications submitted after the final closing date and time will not be accepted.

 For further information, procurement templates, or to discuss a project proposal contact:

T: 0330 137 4051


Environmental Improvement Scheme Paves the Way at Portavogie Promenade

Posted on: September 3rd, 2021 by Margaret

SEA FLAG welcomes a boost which will promote the rich maritime history of Portavogie and  improve the overall aesthetics of the promenade and help towards improving health and tourism in the area.

Under Union Priority 4 of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, the Fisheries Local Action Group approved funding to enable environmental improvements at Portavogie promenade. This project will reenergise the local promenade, improving the connection between current fishing provision and the heritage of fishing within the local community and surrounding area of Portavogie.


Keeping fishing active and safe during the sanitary crisis

Posted on: September 3rd, 2021 by Margaret

Motivated to support the sector and avoid serious economic consequences, the Basque FLAG implemented measures to involve the fisheries sector in potential solutions. In April and May, the Basque FLAG cooperated with 12 fishers’ associations (cofradías) to acquire personal protective equipment (masks, gloves, overalls, etc.), and safeguard the sector’s economic activities.

The project, pending FLAG funding, received financing from the cofradías. The FLAG oversaw the collection of protective items, purchased through the regional government of the Basque Country, prepared the packages for each cofradía and distributed them. The first order was distributed in the second week of April, and by May the FLAG had distributed three rounds of packages,  including 40 000 masks and 5 000 pairs of gloves, for almost 3 000 workers (including fishers, auction staff and marketers).

Carlingford Lough Ferry Sets Sail

Posted on: August 20th, 2021 by Margaret

Carlingford Lough Ferry have been successfully awarded funding under Union Priority 4, European Maritime and Fisheries Fund to develop and fit out an onboard passenger cruise experience.

The introduction of 2 new cruises, Maritime Tour cruises and Seafood Showcase cruises are a welcomed development in the area. The project aims to develop the area of maritime tourism by running these cruises as an annual schedule of summer events on Carlingford Lough in addition to the car ferry service. The large deck area on the car ferry offers a platform for outdoor social gatherings and to showcase the heritage and natural beauty of the local area.

The first of the two new cruises is a maritime tour of the Lough with an onboard audio tour guide who would talk about the maritime history, heritage, wildlife and sea life, in addition to the heritage of the fishing communities that have developed in the local area.

The second would be a ‘seafood showcase’ through a series of ‘Meet the Maker’ cruises. These cruises would be a collaboration with local seafood providers to showcase the diverse range of offerings the Lough and coastal region has to offer.

This project would promote social inclusion within the fishing community of Kilkeel and surrounding areas. Through the promotion of maritime cruises and shared culture and heritage of fisheries areas, this project could also indirectly support the fisheries sector economic growth and tourism products of the areas.


‘From Sea to Service’

Posted on: August 20th, 2021 by Margaret

Under Union Priority 4, European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, funding was awarded to Down Business Centre enabling them to initiate a ‘From Sea to Service’ project.

The ‘Sea to Service’ delivery programme is a series of training workshops to be undertaken in the hospitality sector, with both Front and Back of House staff. These groups will comprise of management, servers, etc. The participating businesses will be made up of restaurants, cafes, pubs and takeaways, within the areas of Ardglass, Kilkeel and Portavogie. The purpose of these workshops is to instil a passion surrounding local seafood and fish produce, as well as allowing participating businesses to ‘upsell’ these dishes more effectively.

The project contributes to the Seaflag Objectives, with the project contributing to 3 out of the 5 stated targets;

  • Adding Value, through the potential creation of jobs and the promotion of innovation across all supply chain activities;
  • Diversification, through the linkages between the commercial fishing and the local hospitality sector promoting the maritime economy; and
  • Social and Cultural, through promoting the cultural heritage of fishing industry through the story of local seafood.

Marine Litter Initiative

Posted on: July 20th, 2021 by Margaret

Under Union Priority 4 of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, the Fisheries Local Action Group approved funding to NIFHA.

The two-year project will involve a variety of elements aimed to improve waste management in the three fishing harbours, Ardglass, Portavogie and Kilkeel, through the development and implementation of an action plan focused on marine litter to include re-purposing and recycling of end-of-life fishing gear and how the fishery harbours control and recycle waste.

There will also be a focus on clean-up efforts to include co-ordinating local beach cleans, linking in with existing schemes and organisations. The project also involves promoting and monitoring the Fishing for Litter scheme and creating simple messaging to help those using the harbours to understand best practice in waste management through the development of a local code of practice, reflecting key elements from the Responsible Fishing Ports for small ports scheme and blue flag marinas scheme.


Renovation Project Goes Ahead in Portavogie

Posted on: March 26th, 2021 by Margaret

SEA FLAG is delighted to announce confirmation of funding awarded under Union Priority 4, European Maritime and Fisheries Fund,  to demolish a decaying boat shed and rebuild three industrial/commercial properties which would be available for rent in Portavogie Harbour.

The proprietors aim to promote economic growth, social inclusion and job creation within Portavogie and the fishing industry. The business would address the identified shortage of new business premises and premises to host fishing support services for the Portavogie Fleet.

With the aim to diversify the business to include leasing of harbour workspace units in the Portavogie area, this renovation would enhance the area to provide accommodate a number of ventures thus strengthening the future sustainability of the harbour.

The project aims to develop attractive, purpose-built units that would appeal to fishing support businesses and Small Micro Enterprises.

Follow SEA FLAG’s website and facebook pages to see how this development is transformed later this year.

OPEN CALL for Funding Applications Jan – 31 Mar 2021

Posted on: January 13th, 2021 by Margaret

Projects must be completed by October 2022.  

SEA FLAG seeks applications that address one or more of the following themes:

🐟 Adding value to fishery and aquaculture products

🐟 Support for diversification of fisheries and aquaculture sectors

🐟 Promoting innovation in fisheries and aquaculture

🐟 Lifelong learning, attracting young people into fisheries, aquaculture, and maritime related careers and activities

🐟 Creating jobs and stimulating economic growth in fishing, aquaculture and maritime based industries

🐟 Promoting social well-being and cultural heritage in fisheries, aquaculture and maritime areas

🐟 Developing and enhancing environmental assets of the fisheries areas

One-to-one virtual workshops available to include procurement and application

form guidance. To register or for further information contact SEA FLAG to

arrange a meeting.

Projects should be based within Ardglass, Kilkeel, Portavogie or surrounding areas and demonstrate

how the proposed project will impact on the fishing dependent communities.

Applications submitted after 5pm on 31 March 2021 may not be accepted.

T: 0330 137 4051


Extension to FINAL Call for Applications – 30 October 2020, 5pm

Posted on: September 25th, 2020 by Margaret

Projects must be completed by October 2022.

 SEA FLAG seeks applications that address one or more of the following themes:

🐟 Adding value to fishery and aquaculture products

🐟 Support for diversification of fisheries and aquaculture sectors

🐟 Promoting innovation in fisheries and aquaculture

🐟 Lifelong learning, attracting young people into fisheries, aquaculture, and marine related careers and activities

🐟 Creating jobs and stimulating economic growth in fishing, aquaculture and marine based industries

🐟 Promoting social well-being and cultural heritage in fisheries, aquaculture and maritime areas

🐟 Developing and enhancing environmental assets of the fisheries areas

🐟 Strengthening the role and governance of fisheries communities in local development.

One-to-one virtual workshops available to include procurement and application

form guidance. To register or for further information contact SEA FLAG to

arrange a meeting.

Projects should be based within Ardglass, Kilkeel, Portavogie or surrounding areas and demonstrate

how the proposed project will impact on the fishing dependent communities.

Applications submitted after the final closing date and time may not be accepted.

T: 0330 137 4051


Net mending: preserving tradition through diversification

Posted on: August 13th, 2020 by Margaret

Net mending, a sector which overwhelmingly relies on women, has long been underestimated and unknown to a large part of society, despite it being a fundamental auxiliary activity to fishing. There are no formal schools for this profession, so net makers treasure their artisanal knowledge, which has been passed down from generation to generation. Over the years and with practice, they can master the subtle art of net making.

With the support of their respective FLAGs, the net makers associations of Malpica, Corme, Burela, and A Guarda, decided to collaborate to increase the visibility of the profession and showcase the value to their work. Their main objectives were to promote their activity as well as to increase their income through diversification.

To make this possible, the associations involved in the project participated in a number of dissemination events, as well as in exhibitions and craft fairs where they could showcase their handmade products, created from the materials they use daily. Informative workshops were held targeting all kinds of audiences, contributing to increased awareness about the difficulty of this activity and its importance for seafarers.

In addition, and in cooperation with the Galician Crafts Foundation (‘Fundación Centro Galego de Artesanía e de Deseño’), they initiated a training programme for the creation of handmade objects, usually accessories and jewellery, using materials that net makers traditionally use in their work: nets, needles, ropes… These were then sold at the official sales points of the Galician crafts brand (‘Artesanía de Galicia‘) and to different fashion and craft shops. With the help of the regional federation for net making, which joined forces with these four associations, the project was eventually extended to the entire Galician net makers collective.

Reviving the fisheries sector by promoting local seafood

Posted on: August 13th, 2020 by Margaret

The Opale Coast and Three Estuaries FLAGs, which cover the region, surveyed the stakeholders in the areas seafood sector at the beginning of the COVID-19 lockdown, with the objective of collecting their ideas for strengthening local production and its sustainability when economic activity resumes.

Stakeholders identified promotion and communication as being important in the survey. As such, the FLAGs have now developed a promotion campaign with the help of a communications consultancy. The campaign consisted of two fun and playful and educational advertisements over a double-page spread in local and regional newspapers focused on both fishing and aquaculture products.

The campaign, which ran for a total of five weeks, was based on promoting local seafood, as well as training opportunities, meaning it was also able to promote the generational renewal of the sector. Twice a week, readers were able to discover local recipes cooking techniques, enjoy a seafood quiz, and acquire ‘tips’ related to the specific fishing activity featured that week. Each of the weekly campaign instalments were translated into English for wider distribution.

Becoming self-sufficient through renewables

Posted on: August 13th, 2020 by Margaret

Eastern Asturias FLAG has supported the cofradía (fishing organisation) of Bustio to finance two projects with the aim of making its land-based operations 100% self-sufficient in renewable energy. The first one, implemented in 2014, consisted of solar panels connected to the national energy network. However, without energy storage capacity, the solar panels could only supply the energy needed at certain times of the day.

In order to achieve a total energy autonomy, in 2017, the cofradía decided to add storage batteries to allow surplus energy to be collected and used when needed. This second project also included wind turbines and a biodiesel generator to cover production downturns when there is a lack of wind and sun.

In view of the cofradia of Bustio’s commitment to transforming the fishing sector towards a low-carbon economy, the implementation of these projects brings environmental benefits by helping to reduce the CO2 footprint and the emission of polluting gases. Reducing the energy cost of activities such as labelling, auctioning or the storage of fresh fish also brings financial benefits. Given the success of the projects, the Asturian government is now studying how to transfer the use of renewables to the other cofradías of the region.

An aquarium supplied by local fishermen on the Wild Atlantic Way

Posted on: August 13th, 2020 by Margaret

Achill Island, a big focus of recreational fishing tourism until the 80’s, suffered a decline due to the reduction (or elimination) of certain species. Although it continued to be an important enclave of tourism, the lack of any indoor tourist activities made it less attractive to tourists. Local fishermen were therefore invited to provide the most unusual catches available in local waters, such as multi-coloured lobsters, to showcase the local fisheries wealth through the creation of the first local aquarium in Co. Mayo.

The aquarium was planned as an attraction to encourage visitors stay in the area when it is raining. Some 18 000 visitors came in the first months of opening in 2016, so the project was extended to also include a fisheries heritage museum. In 2019, visitor numbers were up to  almost 30 000 and, while previously during the low season months (November to May) the area and surrounding towns, such as Westport, were almost empty, today a significant number of families come to the aquarium throughout the year.

The project has created six full-time and three part-time jobs for local residents, mostly relatives of fishers. A marine biologist volunteer assists in the maintenance of the aquarium and has recently also developed a Marine Conservation Presentation for “transition year” students.

  • New indoor tourist facility in Achill
  • 98 000 tourists and 1500 students received since 2016
  • 6 full-time and 3 part-time jobs created in the local area
  • Local network with other tourist stakeholders created

As in this case, local areas should look for the necessary elements to capitalize on their potential, taking advantage of the existing goods to find solutions for local problems.

Lessons & contribution to CLLD objectives:

Lessons: One of the biggest challenges was the access to and securing of funding due to the strict limits for public money, for which the Aquarium and Visitor Centre needed to be included in local development schemes to access to alternative funds.

Contribution to CLLD objective: b) Supporting diversification inside or outside commercial fisheries and job creation on the areas

FINAL Call for Applications

Posted on: July 24th, 2020 by Margaret

South East Area Fisheries Local Action Group (SEA FLAG) invites final applications for grant aid under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund Programme 2014-2020, co-funded by the European Union and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs.

SEA FLAG seeks applications that address one or more of the following themes:

🐟 Adding value to fishery and aquaculture products

🐟 Support for diversification of fisheries and aquaculture sectors

🐟 Promoting innovation in fisheries and aquaculture

🐟 Lifelong learning, attracting young people into fisheries, aquaculture, and marine related careers and activities

🐟 Creating jobs and stimulating economic growth in fishing, aquaculture and marine based industries

🐟 Promoting social well-being and cultural heritage in fisheries, aquaculture and maritime areas

🐟 Developing and enhancing environmental assets of the fisheries areas

🐟 Strengthening the role and governance of fisheries communities in local development. 

Two further application rounds have been set for this year, and these will be the last chance to access funding from the 2014-20 programme.

Projects must be completed by October 2022.

FINAL CALL         WEDNESDAY 30 SEPT 2020, 5pm
Any application submitted after the final closing date and time will not be accepted.

One-to-one virtual workshops available to include procurement and application

form guidance. To register or for further information contact SEA FLAG to

arrange a meeting.

Projects must be based within Ardglass, Kilkeel, Portavogie or surrounding areas and demonstrate

how the proposed project will impact on the fishing dependent communities.

T: 0330 137 4051


Kilkeel Boat Company Raises to new Heights

Posted on: June 30th, 2020 by Margaret

Funding was awarded to Ian Newell Boat Building and Repair Ltd enabling them to diversify and invest in new equipment . Due to an increase in demand for their engineering services, the new equipment will allow the company to perform safer and ease the handling of materials, to and from their profile machine.

Wellbeing Clinic to be Launched in Ardglass

Posted on: June 23rd, 2020 by Margaret

Ardglass will soon reap the benefits of a new Health and Wellbeing Clinic

Ardglass woman, Nuala Wills aims to open a new business in her home village in the near future. The new wellbeing clinic aims to provide a range of professional treatments to improve the wellbeing and quality of life for the people of Ardglass and surrounding areas.

The Ardglass Wellbeing Clinic has received grant funding approval from the South East Area Fisheries Local Action Group (SEA FLAG), who administers funding from the European Union and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) through Union Priority 4 of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund.

Ms Wills having worked in the health and wellbeing service industry around the world for numerous years, and seeing the benefits this brings to clients, is eager to provide this service to the people in her local fishing community of Ardglass. The Ardglass Wellbeing Clinic will offer a variety of treatments, to include injury treatment, acupuncture, taping, clinical massage, sports massage, women’s health and fertility support treatments to name but a few. One of the main aims is to help fishermen and their families. Ms Wills commented the following:

‘Firstly, I would like to thank SEA FLAG and DAERA for this fantastic initiative and the team for their support throughout the application process. I would also like to encourage others within the fishing communities to take this opportunity and contact SEA FLAG regarding their potential projects.’

Ms Wills continued;

‘I am delighted to be able to provide health and wellbeing services in Ardglass. My aim is to support the fishermen and their families and boost the community wellbeing of Ardglass and surrounding areas. Coming from a fishing family and community, I know only too well that fishermen’s health and that of their family, can suffer through their unpredictable and antisocial hours, mental and physical stress, as well as work-related injuries. I will be providing Acupuncture, Injury Treatment, Women’s Health Treatments and Massage, offering flexible and convenient appointments to fit around the working hours of our unique hard-working fishing community. I want to help not just active fishermen but the whole fishing community, to improve their overall health and wellbeing. I am confident this new offering will have a positive impact on the community as a whole.’

SEA FLAG Chair, Alderman Carson commented:

‘I am pleased that SEA FLAG has approved grant assistance for the creation of a new business in one of our fishing dependent communities. I believe it is important to use different approaches to engage with each community as one size does not fit all. I am therefore delighted that through this project the local fishermen will benefit from having access to these health and wellbeing services at a time and location that accommodates their work pattern. Fishing is a physically demanding job, where you can be exposed to particularly challenging working conditions and the provision of a local, convenient wellbeing clinic service in Ardglass will be a great benefit to the community. I look forward to seeing this project move forward in the future and develop a strong client base.’

Newry, Mourne and Down District Council Chairperson, Councillor Laura Devlin said:

‘It is fantastic to see the benefits SEA FLAG is bringing to the fishing dependent communities, particularly providing much-needed financial support during these difficult unprecedent times. It is important that we continue to reinvigorate our communities and the local economy. I believe this facility will be a great asset to the village and surrounding areas, and I have no doubt that the community will benefit from this new local service.’

SEA FLAG is continuing to provide financial support to the fishing communities of Ardglass, Kilkeel and Portavogie and surrounding areas. The £2m funded programme is aimed at supporting projects which focus on the promotion of economic growth; business and job creation, and social inclusion; social wellbeing and cultural heritage in fisheries, aquaculture and maritime areas.

SEA FLAG is taking bookings for one-to-one virtual information sessions to provide information and guidance on the programme. For further information please contact a member of the SEA FLAG team on 0330 137 4051, or visit the website at

Nautical Themed Eco-Garden Sails Ahead in Ardglass

Posted on: May 4th, 2020 by Margaret

During the current coronavirus pandemic, South East Area Fisheries Local Action Group (SEA FLAG) is delighted to announce that a nautical themed eco-garden, community and educational area has been approved for grant assistance from the European Union and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs through Union Priority 4 of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund.

The nautical themed eco-garden will be developed at St Nicholas’ Primary School, Ardglass. Ardglass village is one of the main fishing ports in Northern Ireland. For generations the local fishing industry has had a symbolic relationship with the families and school in Ardglass. St Nicholas’ Primary School is situated in the heart of the village and is seen as a hub for the families and wider community.

The project involves carrying out groundworks, and installing two towers, a frame with a reinforced cargo net, steps, a slide, a rope bridge and the bow of a ship. The frame will replicate a fishing boat, including netting filled with artificial fish, local to the Ardglass port, with sea life creatures fixed around the boat with buoys. There will also be an eco-garden area with plant and vegetable planters, bugs life trio, heavy duty picnic tables and an open playhouse. The project also involves inviting guest speakers from the environmental, fisheries, aquaculture and maritime sectors to deliver talks and activities to the community.

Theresa Taggart, St. Nicholas’ Primary School Parents’ Group Treasurer said, “The nautical themed eco-garden will complement the school’s curriculum of outdoor play and embrace their natural environment, local habitats and enhance awareness of the local fishing industry in the village of Ardglass and surrounding areas. The garden will educate children and families on how to care for their environment, which will be supported by the creation of allotments that families can take care of and work together to maintain”.

Theresa added, “I would like to take this opportunity to thank SEA FLAG and Northern Ireland Fish Producers’ Organisation for their financial support which will make this project possible.”

SEA FLAG Chair, Alderman Carson, commented, “This project will have a positive impact on the development and well-being of the children and young people of Ardglass and surrounding areas. This nautical themed eco-garden will enhance children’s learning through play, focusing on their cultural and marine heritage which will help promote the fishing industry and encourage young people to consider a career in the local fishing sectors.”

Newry, Mourne and Down District Council Chairperson, Councillor Charlie Casey said, ‘‘I am pleased to see that SEA FLAG is continuing to provide funding to the fishing dependent communities during these difficult times. I believe this project will be a great opportunity for grandparents, parents and the wider community of Ardglass to come together to share their knowledge of the fishing industry to the younger generation’’.

SEA FLAG is very keen to see this unutilised grassed area will be transformed now that the project has set sail to proceed.

SEA FLAG is continuing to provide financial support to the fishing communities of Ardglass, Kilkeel and Portavogie and would encourage businesses within the fishing, aquaculture and marine industries, community and voluntary sector to contact the SEA FLAG team on 0330 137 4051 or to discuss any potential projects.


Project update: check out the final product here: Nautical Themed Eco-Garden


Posted on: April 7th, 2020 by Margaret

Fisheries Minister Edwin Poots has announced a substantial £1.5 million support package for Northern Ireland’s fishing industry.

The financial scheme has been announced to help prop up the fishing industry during the COVID-19 pandemic, after social distancing measures and the collapse of the European and domestic fish markets have made trading virtually impossible.

Minister Poots said: “Northern Ireland’s fishing industry has faced extreme difficulties as a result of COVID-19 and is in urgent need of our support to ensure we have a profitable fishing industry to return to, once COVID-19 subsides.

“I have therefore announced a £1.5 million support package to help the fishing industry weather the storm. The scheme I’ve announced is the most far-reaching in the UK and will help the fishing fleet to cover their fixed costs for three months. It’s not an answer to everyone’s problems, but it will certainly help the fleet survive what has been one of its most difficult periods.”

The assistance will be for three months with a maximum amount of total funding per ‘undertaking’ capped at around £104,000.  It will be delivered via monthly payments varying with vessel size as below:

Vessel overall length (metres)         Monthly payment (£)

  • 0-10                                                 £1,050
  • 10.01-11.99                                     £1,800
  • 12.00-14.99                                     £3,550
  • 15 and over                                     £4,550

The following conditions apply:

  • The vessel must be a fishing vessel registered in NI
  • The vessel must normally be active during the period March to May
  • The vessel must have had fish landings of at least £10,000 in 2019
  • Vessels of overall length 28m and over are not eligible
  • The vessels must be available to fish if there is a market for their product (i.e. this is not a “tie-up” scheme)

The Department will inform vessel owners in due course about how to apply for the scheme and provide further details including appeals.  It is anticipated that the first payments would be made early in May 2020.

The Department is aware that the EU intends to further amend the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund to give additional support to the fisheries and aquaculture sectors in response to COVID-19.  The details of these changes will be considered by the Department as they emerge and industry will be consulted.

Expansion of Marine Fabrication in Kilkeel

Posted on: February 12th, 2020 by Margaret

G. Smyth Boats Ltd currently operates from Kilkeel harbour, carrying out moulding hulls, fitouts/repairs of boats and complete builds.

Under Union Priority 4 of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, the Fisheries Local Action Group approved funding to enable the company to diversify into the moulding of a 10m – 12m mould catamaran. This in turn will allow an increase in production and efficiencies.

The quality of life in the fishing dependent community of Kilkeel will be improved by creating new jobs and safeguarding the existing full time jobs. The new equipment will ensure the company has the capabilities to meet customer demands and enable them to enter new markets.


Pictured from Left to Right: Andrew Rooney, FLAG representative; Lisa McBride, FLAG Board member; Gerald Smyth, G Smyth Boats Ltd; Councillor Roisin Mulgrew, Chairperson of  Enterprise, Regeneration and Tourism, Newry, Mourne and Down District Council; Alderman Angus Carson SEA FLAG Chair; and Patrick Higgins, FLAG representative.

Support for Kilkeel Company

Posted on: February 12th, 2020 by Margaret

G Smyth Boats Limited has been successful in obtaining grant assistance from the South East Area Fisheries Local Action Group (SEA FLAG) through Union Priority 4 of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund.  

The Fisheries Local Action Group is pleased to approve financial support for the Kilkeel based company. G Smyth Boats Limited is well known throughout Ireland, the United Kingdom and across Europe for their exceptional design, build and boat fit out. This grant assistance which will help G Smyth Boats Limited diversify into the 12m catamaran market and in turn create three new jobs within the fishing community of Kilkeel.  

Gerald Smyth, Sole Director of G Smyth Boats commented, “Since being established in 2009, the company has grown from strength to strength. With the support of grant assistance from SEA FLAG, we are delighted to be able to develop our business offering and provide our quality products and services to more customers on these islands and further afield. We employ 15 highly skilled staff and look forward to attracting new people to our team and the industry. I would encourage anyone with a project within the fishing communities to contact SEA FLAG for more information”. 

SEA FLAG Chair, Alderman Carson welcomed this project, stating; “G Smyth Boats Limited is an essential component of the maritime industry in Kilkeel, and SEA FLAG is happy to provide funding to help the company further diversify their business. It is projects like this that make a positive impact across our fishing dependent communities. I have no doubt that G Smyth Boats Limited will continue to grow and establish new markets, providing by-product for other local companies in the Kilkeel area”.  

For further information please contact member of the SEA FLAG team at Newry, Mourne and Down District Council on 0330 137 4051.

Pictured from Left to Right: Andrew Rooney, FLAG representative; Patrick Higgins, FLAG representative; Alderman Angus Carson SEA FLAG Chair; and Lisa McBride, FLAG Board member.

Ardglass & Portavogie Chill Out

Posted on: February 11th, 2020 by Margaret

The South East Area Fisheries Local Action Group (SEA FLAG) is pleased to announce that the Northern Ireland Fisheries Harbour Authority (NIFHA) has recently installed two refrigerated bait stores, one at Ardglass Harbour and the other at Portavogie Harbour, funded through Union Priority 4 of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund.

The new chilled storage facilities are welcomed by the local creel fishermen in the local fishing communities. With the benefit of the refrigerated storage, this will protect and preserve the quality of the bait assisting to maximise the lifespan of the resource and maximise efficiencies.

Mr Kevin Quigley, NIFHA Chief Executive commented “I am delighted to receive funding from SEA FLAG, the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) and the European Union. The central chill stores will enable the fishermen to increase the length of time bait is viable, increase the security and protection of the bait and will also reduce its potential for contamination. I am confident the facilities will have a positive impact on the local creel fishermen of Ardglass and Portavogie.”

SEA FLAG Chair, Alderman Angus Carson stated, “Following the success of funding in 2014 for a similar project, this demonstrates the commitment from SEA FLAG to provide such provisions. By providing shared refrigerated stores at the harbours, it will address one of the needs of our local fishing dependent communities. The cost efficiency and reliability can be improved for the creel fishermen based in Ardglass and Portavogie, helping sustain small coastal fisheries.”

Alderman Carson continued, “I would encourage everyone who feels they may benefit from this financial support to contact the SEA FLAG office to discuss potential projects.”

SEA FLAG supports projects which impact the fishing dependent communities of Ardglass, Kilkeel, Portavogie and surrounding areas. The fund supports a broad range of projects which focus on job and business creation, economic growth, social inclusion and providing support to the fishing dependent communities. Funding can be sought under the themes of; Diversification, Adding Value, Social Inclusion, Environmental and Building Capacity.

For further information please contact a member of the SEA FLAG team on 0330 137 4051.

Pictured from Left to Right: Eddie Robinson, Portavogie harbour master; David Lindsey, Northern Ireland Fisheries Harbour Authority project manager; Councillor Terry Andrews, vice-chairman of Newry, Mourne and Down District Council; Alderman Bill Keery, Mayor of Ards and North Down Borough Council; James Kelly, representative of Portavogie Inshore Crab Fishermen; and Alderman Angus Carson SEA FLAG Chair.

Ardglass and Portavogie Chill Out

Posted on: February 11th, 2020 by Margaret

Northern Ireland Fisheries Harbour Authority (NIFHA) has recently installed two refrigerated bait stores, one at Ardglass Harbour and the other at Portavogie Harbour, funded through Union Priority 4 of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund.

The new chilled storage facilities are welcomed by the local creel fishermen in the local fishing communities. With the benefit of the refrigerated storage, this will protect and preserve the quality of their bait, assisting to maximise the lifespan of the resource and maximise efficiencies. The central chill stores will enable the fishermen to increase the length of time bait is viable, increase the security and protection of the bait and will also reduce its potential for contamination.

The facilities will have a positive impact on the local creel fishermen of Ardglass and Portavogie.

Next Application Deadline – 30 April 2020

Posted on: February 11th, 2020 by Margaret

Applications will be accepted up to 30 April 2020 for consideration at the next subsequent FLAG assessment meetings. The new timetable can be found below:

Supporting Documents Deadline Application Deadline
17 April 2020 by 5pm 30 April 2020
Further dates to be confirmed subject to remaining budget

Application supporting documents listed below must be submitted to the SEA FLAG Admin Office in hard copy or electronic to prior to submitting an application: –

  • Business Plan (New Business, the proposed investment would have an impact on the operation’s profitability, income or operational costs or projects over £25,000)
  • Written evidence of Match Funding or evidence of match funding being sought (e.g. bank statement, loan or overdraft facility)
  • Procurement exercise completed (please ensure you obtain a copy of the programme procurement procedures or contact the office to arrange a procurement meeting)
  • Evidence of permissions, planning consents & licences
  • Leases on lands & buildings/ownership evidence (10 years)
  • Insurance certificates (if relevant)
  • Sole Trader – Certified proof of identification (see 8.2 of guidance notes)

If you are working towards the deadline above, we would be grateful if you could contact us as early as possible so that we can help you work towards this date.

Further guidance in relation to the above or to arrange a procurement meeting please contact the SEA FLAG Admin Team.

Applications and supporting documents received after the above date will not be considered until the subsequent meeting.

PUBLIC NOTICE – Funding Available Up to £125,000

Posted on: June 10th, 2019 by Margaret

Funding Opportunities for the Fishing Dependent Communities up to £125,000 

Invitation to Public Information Sessions – European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)

South East Area Fisheries Local Action Group is holding a series of information sessions to provide information and guidance for potential applicants who wish to apply for funding under Union Priority 4 of the EMFF.

Under Union Priority 4, the Funding will support a broad range of projects that focus on promotion of economic growth; social inclusion; job creation and supporting labour mobility in coastal and inland communities depending on fishing and aquaculture, including the diversification of activities within fisheries and into other sectors of the Maritime economy.

Projects must be based within Ardglass, Kilkeel, Portavogie or surrounding areas and demonstrate how the proposed project will impact on the fishing dependent communities.

Information Sessions will be held on the following dates:

*          Monday 24 June, 3pm & 7pm in The John Warnock Centre, Portavogie 

*           Tuesday 25 June, 3pm & 7pm in Ardglass Golf Club 

*           Wednesday 26 June, 3pm & 7pm in Kilkeel Leisure Centre

To confirm your attendance or for further information, contact 0300 013 2233 extension 2511 or email

Please confirm your attendance on or before 12 noon on the day of the event.

Funding Boost to Help Portavogie Fishing Community

Posted on: April 15th, 2019 by Margaret

The South East Area Fisheries Local Action Group (SEA FLAG) is pleased to announce that Marshall Engineering Services has been awarded grant assistance from the European Union and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs through Union Priority 4 of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund.

Marshall Engineering Services provide vital engineering support and products to the local fishing industry. Through this investment, Marshall Engineering Services will purchase a telescopic handler enabling the business to become more efficient and attract a greater volume of work, including repair of propeller shafts and deck gear.

Welcoming the grant aid, Matthew Marshall, Owner commented,

I am delighted to receive approval for funding from Union Priority 4 of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and I must thank the Fisheries Local Action Group for all their support throughout the application process. This investment would not have happened without them. It will enable us to continue to develop the business whilst providing a high quality service to the local fishing industry. I would encourage anyone with a project within the fishing dependent communities to contact SEA FLAG for more information on the process”.

SEA FLAG Chair, Aldermen Angus Carson stated,

“Funding like this is essential to the fishing dependent communities and I am pleased that grant aid has been secured by Marshall Engineering Services. Not only will it benefit this business but undoubtedly benefit local vessel owners.” 

He continued,  

“The FLAG recognises it is essential that the local fleet have companies in the area, with the experience to support the ever-changing industry. They have become an integral part of the fishing community and their specialist services play an important role in keeping our fleet at sea, allowing for smooth, efficient and profitable performance.”

Pictured from Left to Right: Councillor Richard Smart (Mayor of Ards and North Down Borough Council), Matthew Marshall (Marshall Engineering Services), Alderman Angus Carson (SEA FLAG Chair & Ards and North Down Borough Council), Councillor Mark Murnin (Chairman Newry, Mourne and Down District Council).

One-to-One Drop-In Information Sessions – February 2019

Posted on: January 28th, 2019 by Margaret

Sign up to the SEA FLAG database

Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
European Structural and Investment Funds
Ards and North Down Borough Council
Newry, Mourne and Down District Council