The South East Area Fisheries Local Action Group launched in June 2018 and was awarded £2.3m to deliver community-led Local Development in the Ardglass, Kilkeel and Portavoige.

The SEA FLAG Development Strategy 2018-2020 has been developed to help sustain Northern Ireland fishing communities. To invest in skills, job creation, enhancing the environment, maritime heritage and improving local governance of local resources.

Below are some examples of what you might be able to get funding for:

  • Ensuring key skills and critical infrastructure are preserved
  • Encourage diversification into other activities in the marine environment
  • Support for adaptation to climate and other environmental change
  • Improve supply chain mechanisms and market access with a view to value adding and delivering higher value prices to fishermen
  • Maintaining a critical mass to ensure viable infrastructure

‘The SEA FLAG has been established to provide support for the sustainable development of the fisheries area. SEA FLAG seeks to address the social and economic issues in the fishing dependent communities through the development of community and private sector capacity to initiate deliver and manage sustainable projects’.

The Committee

The structure of the committee aims to ensure a balanced representation of stakeholders to promote and deliver an effective programme through the encouragement of innovative projects.

Member organisations include:

Sign up to the SEA FLAG database

Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
European Structural and Investment Funds
Ards and North Down Borough Council
Newry, Mourne and Down District Council